All photos courtesy of Natalie Jo Wilson
Where else to begin but with our proposal story?
I had known that an engagement was coming, but did not know exactly when it would be. I constantly told Jeremy that he would never be able to surprise me... I always know when things are coming! Boy was I wrong!
I should start when Jeremy asked my parents for their permission. He had told me he was going to Ozark to help his mom build something for her house, I was supposed to be in a workshop that Saturday anyways so it would be perfect and he would be back in time for dinner that night. Well... my workshop finished early and I was a little surprised that Jeremy didn't invite me to tag along with him, but I didn't really worry about it.
I had talked to my parents that morning like I do every day and they told me they were just running erronds and going out to eat. I didn't really think anything about it. Those are their usual Saturday plans, except my dad also normally goes golfing sometime on Saturday.
Little did I know, they were driving to Russelville to meet Jeremy for lunch! The funny thing is, I was talking to my mom as they were pulling in so they had to drive around until I got off the phone. Then, I immediately called Jeremy so he had to stall a while before getting out of the truck! Ha!
I really cherish the bits and pieces of their conversation that day... My parents adore Jeremy and hearing their side of the story is just really special to me. Although, I'm sure it was a very sentimental day for them.
After Jeremy met my parents and got their permission, he did go to his mom's house to help her. So... at least he wasn't lieing! Haha!
Back to THE DAY.
Jeremy and I went to church at Crosschurch like we do most Sundays. After church, my friend Stephanie was coming in town for a day of shopping and Jeremy's friend Murph was going to meet us for lunch. I called Steph and she was still an hour away so Jeremy suggested we go to campus to see my names on Senior Walk. I hadn't seen them yet so I jumped at the opportunity.
We arrive on campus but Jeremy parks down by Old Main. I asked him why he was parking so far away and he said we were just going to enjoy the walk up there. Well... of course I had to be difficult. I then said I didn't want to enjoy the walk because it was hot, and I was wearing heels... blah blah. Poor Jeremy. I asked him to park closer to my name. He refused, which then made me mad. If you know our relationship, Jeremy is very easy going and typically does whatever I want. I couldn't understand why he was being so stubborn and started to get a little mad. So the entire walk up to Old Main I was complaining of the heat and the walk, and virtually anything else I could complain of. Poor Jeremy!! It's amazing he didn't change his mind right then! We get to the top of the walk, and I just keep walking towards Ozark hall so we can go see my name. Jeremy pulled me back and when I turned around I realized he had a ring box in his hand and he got down on one knee.

I was in such shock that I didn't even hear anything he said to me. The world started spinning. Somewhere I said yes and got to put the most gorgeous ring I've ever seen on my finger!
We stood there for a minute, then turned around and Natalie, a photographer and dear friend of Jeremy's popped out from behind a tree. She had taken pictures of the entire thing! Jeremy knew I would want to have pictures of everything.
As she was getting everything set up for more pictures, Jeremy and I stepped aside and that's when the tears came... I couldn't believe we were finally engaged and most of all that Jeremy had somehow managed to surprise me! I was in such shock!
After we had pictures made, I called my parents who of course knew already... and my sisters who were thrilled to get to plan another wedding :)
Then we headed to lunch where Jeremy had arranged for our friends to be to celebrate with us! I won't lie though, I don't remember much of that lunch because I was in such shock and just so excited and overwhelmed.
When I think about our proposal story I am just amazed at the guy God has chosen for me. Everything was perfect and so "us". I never, in a million, years dreamed of marrying a guy like Jeremy who has never stopped purusing me since our first date. He was worth waiting for!