Monday, January 21, 2013

New Year, New Post

Yep... I've pretty much sucked in the blogging world these past couple of months.  The holidays left us even busier than we normally are, and to be perfectly honest, I just enjoyed the moment without worrying about blogging.  However, I really do enjoy blogging and want to blog this year to be able to look back at all the fun moments of our 13 month engagement, so let me catch up on the fun moments of the past couple of months....

Competition Cheer season has ended.  My freshman squad won 1st place at their first competition and then had a horrible showing at their last one.  The varsity squad won state for the second year in a row!

The holidays were spent in Cabot at my parents house and in Paris at Jeremy's parents homes.  I'll admit it was a bit weird having to spent time away from my family for the holidays, but Jeremy's family welcomed me with open arms :)  Did I mention I'm going to have 3 new sisters-in-laws?  Lots of girls are always around and it's a blast!

 Christmas also sent lots of snow to Central Arkansas and we were cooped up at my parents' home for most of it.  We started playing rumikub with my parents and I found out Jeremy is a HORRIBLE loser!  Hahaha.
Also, my dad tends to make up his own rules in his favor :)

We introduced the game to our friends Brittany and Andrew and they've become addicted as well.  I see lots of game nights in our future.  What's neat is I remember as a little girl my parents would always invite the Payne's over (the family of my best friend Ashley) and they would always play rumikub while we played and had pizza.   The tradition lives on!

The great tree debate is still up between Jeremy and I.  He has always grown up with a real tree, while I've grown up with a fake tree.  We'll see who wins and which type we get next year ;)   I loved decorating my small tree with a rustic theme this year.  

Jeremy's mom graduated from Arkansas Tech this past December.  We are SO proud of her!!  We attended her graduation in Russellville and had a lot of fun celebrating.  This May BOTH of my sisters will also graduate from Tech!

In December, Jeremy and I took a little trip to The Lodge at Mt. Magazine.  It's always gorgeous.  It doesn't even feel like you're in Arkansas when you're there.  

Heelyn keeps getting bigger and bigger and it just a true joy to be around.  She is seriously the funniest, smartest little girl I know.  She just says and does things that make us laugh so much.  I hate being away from her, but it's always a treat when I get to see her.  She loves Jeremy too....

Of course there have been Razorback basketball games to attend, although I haven't gone to many yet this year.  Jeremy always tries to go to as many as he can, and I tend to "pick and choose" which ones I go to.  There are only so many sporting events this girl can take in one week!

Well, there's the abridged version of our lives these past few months!  Here's to hoping I can become a "better blogger".

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