Monday, August 20, 2012

Pigskin Classic & Tiger Pride

This is one of my favorite times of the year.... the air starts to turn a little crisp, I have a full classroom of excited teenagers, and... football season!  The first Razorback game of the year is only a few short weeks away, and high school football starts everywhere next week!  My cheerleaders have been working hard to prepare for our back to school event called Tiger Pride and their hardwork paid off this weekend!

 They did a great job performing, and cheered for the Black/Gold scrimmage.  It's always funny to me how shy and quiet they are at their first game, compared to their last basketball game at the end of the year.  They still haven't gotten used to the crowds and having to cheer LOUD!  It's such a learning curve at the beginning, but they will get used to it in no time.

At BHS we have Varsity Cheer and Dance, JV Cheer and Dance, and 9th grade Cheer and Dance.  Add all those together and you have over 100 cheerleaders on the field for Tiger Pride.  It took ALL of us coaches working hard to get this MASSIVE formation looking decent.  They looked great though and seeing everyone perform together was really neat.

Jeremy's little sister Megan is also a cheerleading coach for Springdale!  Poor Jeremy is surrounded by lots of cheerleaders all the time.  On Friday night, they had their back to school event the Pigskin Classic.  We went to watch Megan and her squad.  They were great!  It's so fun seeing other schools perform, especially since we will be competing against each other come October!  SO fun!

Jeremy is such a good sport about attending so many of my cheerleading events, football games, and basketball games.  Saturday night as I looked up into the stands and saw him sitting there, I couldn't help but say a quick prayer of gratitude for the amazing man God has brought into my life. 

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